Local Advertising with localclicks.co.uk it’s FREE!

Are you struggling to find new customers?

Local paper costing a fortune and not giving results?  Think about it, who really reads that?

People are too busy these days, and we're all guilty - we are just staring at our mobiles like Zombies!

And that's where you need to be advertising!

Here's a website you need to be looking at, www.videoleaflets.com  you'll get your very own Video Leaflet produced in Full HD and a presenter talking about your business for less than a fiver per week!

Check out the live examples so you can see how yours would look.

When yours is live, you can share it to your friends, family and customers on WhatsApp and get them to re share it for you to get even more exposure!  Then repeat the same process and share it on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and email it to everyone else you know!

You need to to be found in as many places as you can on the internet,  don't just rely on Google to find your website!  You'll be surprised at how many websites are badly made and google doesn't even look at them, or rates them so poor they end up on page 55!

If you think out of the box you can save a fortune on your advertising, and the web is where you need to be!

Here's a live example,  this is a plumber in Stevenage, he doesn't have a website, but he has a Video Leaflet, click here just a take a minute to have a look.  This is now on page 1 of Google, and on YouTube and ViralTV.co.uk now he doesn't even  need a website, a leaflet or a business card, this Video Leaflet is all he needs to share with his customers.

YOU NEED A VIDEO LEAFLET!  www.videoleaflets.com






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